Allie & I

…openness in our relationship has been a blessing…

Thought you all deserved an update. Allie and I are doing wonderfully. Married life has been fantastic and we grow together with every passing day. She and I still see other girls, in fact we have two girlfriends we’d like to marry one day. This openness in our relationship has been a blessing. Its great to have someone you can always count on and at the same time have many others who’m you can be intimate with and share special bonds with.

Don’t be shy, come on by and pay us a visit!

A Surprise Engagement

Hi everyone Allie here! This is long over due…. Anni and I have been having so much fun together, I just couldn’t get around to making a proper engagement post. Well its finally here, enjoy!


I had been planning it for a while now since me and Anni had gotten together only recently i thought to myself “maybe its too soon?” or “Am I maybe rushing things?” but in my heart i knew i wanted more than to just be one of Anni’s girlfriends, i wanted to become her wife, to stand by her side as her partner and to support her through life!
Just thinking about it makes my heart flutter with happiness!

So i had already booked a private cabin in the Outer la Noscea area that has its own hot spring outside it and all was prepared, the final task? getting Anni there.

So as Anni and I sat down together that evening for a drink and meal I brought up that I had a secret location that I would love to take Anni to, a place close to my heart where I always loved to visit alone.

Fortunately Anni loved the idea to see a location that was special to me, saying how she wants to see and learn of the things that i hold dear and special, if only she knew that she had become the most dear and special thing to me.

Wasting no time we set off from our home in the mist’s to travel to the cabin but first we decided to stop in Costa del Sol to catch the stars coming out, then again the only stars i saw were in the eyes of my beloved Anni as we shared a loving embrace and kiss.

After sharing this loving moment together my heart was beating like crazy my love for Anni going out of control I almost popped the question there and then! but i held back as we decided to finally head to our destination, taking in one of the sights as we arrived in outer la noscea and moved closer to the cabin the nervousness growing the closer we got.


With the Cabin now in sight we stepped down from my chocobo letting her run off and explore on her own as me and Anni looked upon the place we will be staying for the next couple of days, Anni told me this is a place she loved to come to also, maybe this was a sign that i was correct in what I had planned? here’s hoping so!

As we had arrived at such a early hour of the morning both being tired we decided to head into the cabin, the nervousness was really building up inside me as we stepped inside the cabin and looked around, i knew it had to be now i had the pop the question and propose to her!
So i stopped her in the middle of the cabin and held one of her hands tightly as I looked deep into her eyes, I did see a small sign of worry on her face maybe she noticed my constant nervousness tonight but that looks on her face vanished as i slowly lowered down onto one knee and spoke the words I had been holding inside all day. “Anni… Will you Marry me?” my world froze as I finished this sentence, I had finally said the words I had always wished to one day say to Anni since the day i met her and fell in love with her.

Now all I waited for was her response, even though it only took her a few seconds to respond it felt like an eternity my mind going over and over again “what if she rejected me?” but after I heard the words from Anni’s mouth with the happiest look I’d seen on her face since meeting her as she said “yes Allie.. I’d love to marry you…” I quickly stood up and embraced her, holding my now bride-to-be in my arms I was so happy I was almost on the verge of tears from pure joy, we ended this moment and night with one final kiss not hungry for sex but hungry for the love and affection as we had finally moved a step closer to being married.

The Nalani Mansion – Now With Sprinkles!

Huhu. I mean, who doesn’t love sprinkles!?! So yea, I have formed up a new FC just for us sex crazed fiends. The Nalani Mansion is now an FC in Exodus. I hope you’ll come join us and be part of this new chapter in our lives.

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Between Twitter, Discord and now our own FC, the Nalani Mansion is taking shape nicely. I can’t wait to decorate our FC house and explore my kinks with my friends!

Now Introducing….

…a new way to support the blog and interact with my friends and I!

It costs me about $400 a year to host this blog along with special plug-ins and other costs. In the past I’ve asked for donations but there wasn’t much I could offer. Last year I paid for everything myself. This year I am trying something different. Patreon!

I’ve launched a Patreon site with multiple support levels.  Head on over to check it out and help support this wonderful social community!

Thank you!


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